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4th LTTA in Lithuania


2022.05.08.-2022.05.13 Secure Internet Real Freedom Erasmus+ strategic partnership Lithuania, Ukmerge LTTA4 During the mobility we got acquainted with Lithuanian culture and our Lithuanian partner school. It was a great experience to get a glimpse into the daily life of the school during the school activities. During the little show we had for our reception, we could see how cheerful the Lithuanian students were. The school is spacious, well equipped and offers many extracurricular activities for students. Cooking courses, pottery, music and singing await the students. During the meeting, we shot Part 2 of our film and completed interviews with students and educators about internet habits. During the meeting, we unveiled our game for Mbot, which was only tested a second time because unfortunately the robot’s sensors were damaged during the long flight. But in the end, we manage to fix the mistake. During the 5 days, many new friendships were made and we also had a glimpse into the history of Lithuania. Our last meeting will be held in Poland where we will prepare our final report. Thank you very much for the lithianian hospitality.

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