Erasmus+ VET Work placement in Kállósemjén between 24.06.2023-2023.07.08. The programme is titled: "Learning without borders-the world is robotics"
Contract number: 2022-1-BG01-KA122-VET-000073170.
20 young Bulgarians are learning robotics with us for 15 days. The programme will focus on programming Lego EV3 and learning the MicroPython programming language. In addition to robotics classes, the young people will of course also take part in cultural and social activities. So we visited Birbátor, the land of dragons, and went for a ride to Máriapócs (10 km) where they could try out the go-kart track. In the evenings, they played volleyball and tried kin-ball. They visited the Kállay mansion where an old Ford A model stole their hearts. Many more experiences await them.
They are doing very well in programming, working hard and diligently. There are some difficulties in the construction, but the groups help each other to work together and find solutions to any difficulties.
