Dear Parents, Dear Children!
The Kállósemjéni Diákoklért és Ifjakért Egyesület welcomes all interested children in its sessions, which are still free of charge, in the new school year. The dates of the sessions are still flexible for the time being, we will try to adapt them to school activities if possible. We are open from 6:30 in the morning and we also welcome children to play.The sessions are as follows:
board game (for grades 1-4) Monday 16:00-17:30
Lego robot (grades 1-4) Tuesday 16:00-17:30
development sessions Wednesday 15:00-17:30
speech therapy session
Lego robot (grades 5-8) Thursday 16:00-17:30
cooking workshop Thursday 16:00-17:30
board game (for competitors) Friday 16:00-17:30
ECDL preparation (grades 7-8) Friday 15:00-16:00
English nook Friday 16:00-17:00
guitar lessons (classical and electric guitar)
Lego robot Saturday 10:00-12:00
morning sessions
zither education
Please let us know in time if you would like to take advantage of the above sessions. An application form can be requested from the Association's staff and during working hours in the building of the Public Safety Center
Mrs József Egri
association president
