As part of the Erasmus+ Sport project (title: "A New Community Sport - Kinball", contract number: 2023-1-HU01-KA182-SPO-000113269), 11 of us are participating in intensive training at the Spanish Kin-ball Federation between October 16-25.
Last night, we visited the local amusement park. All the residents of this small city of a hundred thousand came here because a drone show was presented as the closing event of the local festival. In the massive crowd, we didn't have the energy to wait, so we returned to our accommodation.
This morning, as planned, we set out after breakfast to conquer the Castle of Saint Catherine. On the way, we met a local Hungarian lady who was very happy to hear the Hungarian language.
Today was a true endurance workout.
1.5 hours of uphill trekking peppered with steep ascents. Then about 1.5 hours of exploring the castle and admiring the panoramic view from the top of the world.
Then nearly 1 hour of descent, which was even more difficult than the way up. The path up and down the mountain really tested our muscles and knees. After lunch, a short siesta followed, then we set out and visited the bullfighting arena. Unfortunately, we couldn't see any bulls because the fight was last weekend, but we witnessed the training of three young boys. The boys trained with such stern expressions as if they were facing the bull.
