In the framework of the NTP-TSZM-22-0098 project, the "Bánkirobot" team of the Bánki Donát Technical Institute and College, led by Zsolt Zsigó, gave a presentation and a demonstration of the team's work. They presented the developments they are working on together with the students (research robots, robotic applications for health care). The participants of the presentation had the opportunity to try them out. The most popular gadget was the one that allowed them to control a toy by "thinking". Many children are interested in technical things (electronics, robotics, assembly, mechanics), but unfortunately in today's education system they have few opportunities to try them out and get hands-on experience. Therefore, it is important to at least provide opportunities for our children to experience these things outside the classroom, to learn by exploring, to live the "eureka" experience and to want to be tinkering, tinkering children, young people and good professionals. This is what is in greatest shortage today, not only in Hungary but also in other countries. There are countries where this has been recognised earlier and they are working on creating centres where children and students can drill, carve, solder, create something simple, unique, something of their own.
