Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Youth Participation project 2022-3-HU01-KA154-YOU-000094112, the Youth Local Government was officially established on 25 March, as the inaugural meeting after the elections was held on that day. The event included the official announcement of the election results, the swearing-in of the elected mayor and members of the council, the election of the deputy mayor and members of the committees, and the setting up of the various committees. The young people also discussed their plans, ideas and programmes for the coming period. We congratulate them and wish them good luck and good work in the future!
Mayor: Egri Krisztina Tímea
Deputy Mayor: Széplaki Szabolcs
Members of the Chamber of Deputies: Szabó Anikó, Kékesi Klaudia, Barta Beáta
Committees and their members:
Sport and Recreation Committee: chairman: Szabó Anikó
Members: Dominika Kovács, Patrik Gulyás, Ákos Pálvölgyi, Bálint Udvari
Culture and International Relations Committee: chaired by Beáta Barta
Members: Nikoletta Barta, Zsófia Orosz, Gergő Orosz, Ildikó Kiss
Finance and Development Committee: Chair: Klaudia Kékesi
Members: Sándor Kékesi, Benedek Prokob, Fanni Lipkovics, Luca Rozsnyai
